Thursday, March 11, 2010

Moriyama Naotaro


Some oldies but goodies.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Artsy fartsy

I want to draw this, if only I have the time *sigh* By this, I mean Ohno there hiding his face. :p

Kawai ne? Ken-chan.

I'm watching Hana yori Dango for the fifth time. Sad, I know...

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Funnily enough, after I posted my whole spiel on setting goals and having to study hard, I found this article in The Age life magazine about motivation.

"Ask yourself these questions: what am I passionate about? Where do I want to be in 12 months? Where do I want to be in 5 years? Why are these goals important to me?"

"Once you've identified your goal, you need to figure out why it's important to you. in the context of your life, your family, your career, why do you want to achieve this goal?...Intention is more important than anything you say or do. It's often subconscious. If you are able to connect with something that moves you, you will be able to achieve motivation without any assistance. Don't look for motivation, look for a purpose."

Very wise. Very wise indeed.

So, why do I want to achieve what I want to achieve? I think I'll take a leaf out of their book and say that it's because I want to have a purpose in life. I want to be well informed and educated and to improve myself. I want to be worth something in life. I don't want to waste time. Make the most of life. 今が人生! (~Moriyama Naotaro)

Someday I'll look back at this and perhaps cringe but it's true, no matter how cheesy it sounds.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mental dumping.

training session blah
money for tickets
comedy festival
insurance claim
wisdom teeth
blood test
bank interest
Jap magazines
bbc dvds: oliver twist @ jb
big bang theory
new books
new wallet
silver dollar burgers 
shoestring fries
lost in austen
tamaki hiroshi
moriyama naotaro
shu cream

Anything worth doing is worth doing well.

I guess it's a bit too late for new years revolutions seeing as it's already March. But hey, better late than never eh? Plus, it's only just the start of the academic year.

Actually, I started working in mid-January so the official start isn't too much of a change. It does feel a bit strange though. I look back at what I've done over past month and a half and I don't feel I've done very much which is rather depressing. But I'm sure it'll all add up in the end and I will definitely get something out of it all.

Having said all that about the early start and not being too fazed about starting the year, I'm really struggling to really getting back my focus. I've been in an ambiguous mode which lies somewhere between holiday and work for so long, I am really lacking the motivation to just get back into it. God, I'm so damn lazy.

I figured if I set myself some goals, it'd put everything into perspective. So here it goes:

To find a genuine passion in what I'm doing
To do things well, not just half-arsed
To be more informed through reading!
To improve in oral communication skills
To master techniques
With practice, to be more confident
To focus!

But in all honesty, it all begins with me and really taking that first step. Once you get back into the routine of things, it'll just all fall into place. Don't procrastinate, be proactive. Stop thinking about irrelevant things that clutter your mind. Concentrate on the task at hand and 'just do it!' Endurance isn't a matter of physical strength, it's power of the mind. Right pep talk over.

Funny how this was meant to be somewhat of a sanctuary in which I can indulge my senses. But I guess it's because I got too carried away and am over-indulging. There has to be a line drawn somewhere and I need a balance.

Well, there we have it. Work hard, play hard.